

I have always looked towards Australia when it comes to suncare & safe tanning. They’ve been ahead of the game for years so I’ve found a great product to compliment my SiennaX Spray Tans…GLOWDRY™

GlowDry is an illuminised drying powder for sunless tanning, formulated specially with self tanning and spray tanning babes in mind. Inspired by Australian beaches, the picturesque sunshine and beautiful beach babes, GlowDry contains natural and organic highly absorbing powders, a boat load of shimmering minerals with fresh fragrance. It even uses a clay Ingredient sourced directly from Western Australia and to top it all its Vegan, Paraben-Free, Cruelty-Free, Talc-Free, Titanium Dioxide-Free, Paraben-Free and Nut Free then applied with synthetic haired luxurious fluffy brush.

Ask to add it to your next spray tan for £5.00…it really is special

New Year

Well Happy New Year! To start off, I’m not going to sprout on about New Year, New me because lets face it come February it’s all forgotten about.

I am however going to blog more for Kittys and Dickys as I manage my others blogs and vlogs and seem to start a draft then get waylaid with work and life!

I’m also making more conscious decisions on what’s important to me. Plastic has been huge for me for a long time (yes I’ve had my 4ocean bracelet since they first started) and try to use filtered water from indoors whenever possible and take a large glass bottle with me). There’s no way I am going to turn Vegan (totally in awe of dedication Vegans apply to their life) but I am going to try to have one vegan and two vegetarian days per week. Planning about what I eat, not just because it’s convenient or it’s all I have time for and that will help the environment too.

I’m a huge animal lover (if you’ve ever met me I’m sure you will have found that out within the first appointment) so I try to buy products that are amazing and Vegan friendly too when possible so my shampoo and conditioner is vegan (Maria Nila), anti-bac spray (Marks and Spencers), make-up brushes (hourglass - I’ve used these daily for at least 3 years and they look like new so worth every penny ) etc but I cannot compromise on spatulas inside the salon and unfortunately if someone can come up on a more environmentally friendly and hygiene effective way of replacing spatulas you will earn an absolute fortune and make me one happy lady. I know a lot of great waxers are constantly seeking ways to cut waste and want to be more environmentally friendly but there is no other way yet so all you entrepreneurs get thinking!

Tanning Preparation...WAXING V SHAVING


If you are a regular tanner, try to regularly wax. Not only is it better for your skin but each time the razor hits your skin, it is also aggravating your skin and sloughing it off too, shortening the length and quality of your tan.

I have sensitive skin and I used to use conditioner as a shaving balm. It would feel wonderful for a day then it would feel spiky the next day when re-growth came through but when I started waxing I realised how tough it was on my skin. Now If you don’t believe me, just get your underarms waxed once. As soon as its done, the skin will immediately feel baby smooth (just like behind your knees) and you’ll realise exactly how aggressive shaving is on the skin and how damaging it is, let along how much time you will save over a month as the regrowth is slow. Then think of waxing your legs and even an intimate wax - you’ll never turn back.

90% of my Brazilan clients never had their underarms waxed prior to coming to me and now have their underarms waxed at the same time and agree…it’s life changing and so worth the extra £12 per month


How to tan in Autumn

I always tan according to the result a client expects, if it’s an occasion, their lifestyle and what they are wearing but I also take into account the time of year. We are now hitting the autumn season when we have less chance of catching the natural sun (unless we go abroad) so I recommend trying going down a shade.

I started advising this as soon as the wonderful weather we have had took a turn and resorted to typical British weather again. One of my weekly man-tan who has been a devout Sienna X 10% tried 8% last week and this week might try 6%. He’s reserved a 1hr self tan mist to top up his face and hands (should he need it during the week as he shaves daily and we all know how harsh shaving is) but has agreed dropping that shade isn’t as bad at all and gives a more natural result for the time of year. He works in the city where he said ‘we all fake it but we do not want to make it obvious we fake it’. He rocks a man-tan 👊🏻

Exfoliating - Ruff Stuff

Now available - Ruff Stuff Daily Exfoliating Scrub. I'm a firm believer of putting your money where your mouth is. I do not stock any treatments or products that I haven't used myself and this scrub is fabulous for a waxer or prepping for a spray tan. Shower and use this at the end of your shower/bath and you'll get the benefits of the coconut oil, leaving you smelling beautiful &  moisturised. It really is an excellent product.

RRP £9.00 - 250ml tub
