Covid-19 policy
What to do if you have any symptoms
If you have any symptoms of Covid-19 within the past 14 days, including a new, continuous cough, high temperature or a loss of, or change in normal sense of taste or smell, or influenza type symptoms and have been required to test or to self-isolate in accordance with relevant laws or guidance; let me know immediately and we can re-schedule your appointment.
Hygiene & PPE
Hygiene is paramount at Kittys and Dickys so upon arrival, there is alcohol gel as you enter for you to use and there is hand washing facilities within the wax room and provide hand soap or hibiscrub as well as alcohol gel for client upon arrival. The room is always been cleaned after each client (bed wiped down with biocide and Clinell wipes) , bin changed and other surfaces including the door handles and locks are also cleaned as well as wearing full PPE, use alcohol gel on my gloves during treatments and take a lateral flow test twice a week.I have a lot of clients that are in the medical profession who comment on the hygiene within the studio and clients who state that they feel safe throughout the pandemic that standards are exceeded.
Whilst in the communal areas and not receiving treatments, you are required to wear a face covering unless legally exempt from doing so. Please comply with Government and NHS guidance to help limit the spread of COVID-19, including social distancing wherever possible and observe all safety measures required of you. Failure to do so may mean Kittys and Dickys are unable to provide services to you.
Patch Testing
You are required to patch test a minimum of 14 days after a positive diagnosis of Covid-19 and after each vaccination. This is also a change in your medical history and must declare in your Consultation and Covid-19 forms.
Please do your best to arrive on time for your appointment to help with managing social distancing.
Thank you for your understanding,
Kittys and Dickys