FAQ Wax Questions

How long does the hair need to be? For successful removal with best result please allow your hair to grow for between 3-4 weeks since your last hair removal, or approximately the length of a grain of rice.

Are there any effects with waxing? Anything you apply to your skin or ingest into your body may cause a reaction but with waxing it is rare. In the rare event of a reaction, there is usually an underlying reason. This is why It is extremely important that you update your waxer with any changes in your life - health, medication (including herbal and natural remedies), skincare regime, drinking etc as this may effect the results of your wax. Waxing can cause (and also reduce) ingrown hairs, skin lifting, tearing, bruising or breakout of spots but it rarely happens to an experienced waxer. You must tell your waxer within 24 hours of any reactions.

What if my pubic hair is shorter than you recommend, can I still be waxed? If you hair is shorter than a grain of rice I would advise to wait and  rebook for a date in the future, as waxing short hair may leave you with an unsatisfactory final result (also it will take longer). It can be done but you may experience re-growth sooner so it is best to wait if you can.

How long will the waxing result last? Everyones hair grows at different rates so it really depends on your body, minimal hair growth will start to be seen within the first 3 weeks with gradual increase thereafter.

How often should I get waxed? When first starting out with intimate waxing I recommend getting waxed every 4 to 5 weeks, over time you may notice that the hair growth time becomes longer allowing you to wait longer between waxing. To get the best results you do not want to go off the cycle but really the decision is yours and how long you can stand being hairy for!

Is it going to hurt? Everyones pain threshold is different, but I won’t lie you may experience some discomfort, especially on your first wax but I do everything I can to make your experience as comfortable as possible.  Using Kim Lawless's technique any discomfort will be minimal and over quickly. The more you wax the less painful it will become and the results will be worth it.

Will I have to remove my underwear? If you are having intimate waxing you will be asked to remove all clothing from the waist down. Do not worry - I have seen so many over the years that its quite normal for me. I do not take any notice of your kitty or dicky, all I am interested in is looking at the hair growth and applying and removing the wax, quickly, efficiently and as painless as possible - nothing else.

How long does the waxing appointment take? Normally I can do a thorough Clockwork Orange Kittys intimate wax in 25-45 minutes but it really does vary from client to client. I like to ensure that you get a great wax and my regulars love to have a catch up too.

Why do you choose to use Hot Wax for intimate waxing rather than strip (warm) wax? I use Kim Lawless' Cockney Rebel hot wax as it is gentler to the skin, is supple and non-brittle wax. When applied, it encapsulates the hair which is then removed without the need for fabric strips. This wax is perfect for all body areas and hair types, especially short, tough hair in sensitive areas. Clients comment on how much less of an ‘ouch’ there is and how quickly the results are with reduction of hair with Kim Lawless' Cockney Rebel hot wax too so its a win win for me.