My client was in earlier and is a professional photographer, discussing how filters is on everything and how it is affecting society’s expectations and the next generation. I mean everyone loves to have nice photographs but with the increase in social media, brilliant cameras on smartphones, photographs are being filtered unashamedly.
Her portfolio has amazing work but her clients are requesting filtering on everything. Not just people but on props and products. Do you know almost everything you see is ‘enhanced’ with a filter? To the point I suggested showing her original photography and then the filtered version side by side, stating what the client has requested. We agreed a blemish removal is fair especially it is for a portrait but trimming the jawline, wrinkles, waistline is not real and why people become obsessed with sugical and no-surgical procedures.
Original filters on snapchat were used for laughs (remember the bunny ears and the flying cupids arrows?|) and these were obvious and amusing. Now, its to the extent that people genuinely believe that’s only way they will look attractive and actually ask cosmetic surgeons to adopt their look for surgery.
Now I see a lot of naked people with my job and I am constantly being apologised to for their appearance - sorry I’ve got cellulite, sorry you’ve got to see my awful bum, sorry I’ve got wrinkles, sorry my breast tissues droopy and it really concerns me so next time you apply a filter think about the message you are giving to everyone but in particular the next generation. With a rise in mental health including body dysmorphia and eating disorders, it is our responsibility as parents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc to encourage natural looks and remembering that beauty is only skin deep. Extreme vanity is not always attractive and no-one is perfect. Now I am not staying not to wear make up (I adore my skincare and makeup products) but I am saying living your life for the ‘gram and social media is unhealthy and unrealistic. By all means dream, have goals and aspirations but let it be for ‘real’ people and live your life for you. Not for to impress others.
The best parts of my life is never placed on social media. It’s private and it is rare you’ll find photo’s of me on it. They’re usually shared with my nearest and dearest to keep as a keepsake not craving likes.
I always say this - Imperfection is perfection.